Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hello World!

Hello everybody! I am Dan Gomez. I am currently a sophomore doing a 5 year dual degree in Japanese and computer science. I live in Knott Hall on campus and in southern Illinois when I'm not at Notre Dame.

I first got interested in Japan when a friend showed me some manga and told me to watch a few anime back in middle school. Since then, I have become obsessed with all things Japanese, and now I am interested in doing the study abroad in Japan, though I haven't decided if I want to study for a full year or just one semester. Nevertheless, I hope to have a blast studying for both of majors this year, even if it is going to be a lot of work.


  1. コンピューター(computer)が すきですか?(do you like...?)

  2. Hi Dan! That's cool you live in Knott; I live in PE, so we are neighbors! I love everything about the Japanese culture too, and I would really like to spend a year abroad there as well.

  3. せんせい, I do like computers very much, ever since I began programming on my calculator in high school.

  4. Meghan, that's awesome! Have you decided between Tokyo or Nagoya yet?

  5. Yo dan,
    you live in knott? I live in 3b. im actually going abroad to tokyo next semester so if you need to ask me anything feel free to come find me

  6. Hey, you may already know this but we basically are studying the same things which is pretty cool, computer science and Japanese all the way. Also, I think that might be a Hatsune Miku widget I see on your blog which is pretty awesome if it is.

  7. Ben, that is in fact a Hatsune Miku widget. Towards the beginning of last year, I came across the vocaloids and downloaded some of their music. It is SO catchy!
