Thursday, October 13, 2011


Let's get down to business, to write this post!
(As I was starting to write, I turned on iTunes and this song was playing XD)


さいきんとてもいそがしかったです。先勝の水曜日ESS(English Speaking Society)はウェルカムパーティーをしました。たのしくて、そこでいろいろな友達になりました。そして、けんだまをしました。けんだまはちょっとむずかしいけど、とても楽しいと思います。





土曜の晩、花火を見に行きました。とてもきれいで、楽しかった。アメリカの花火みたいだったけど、ちょっとちがいました。(Gotta bust out the English for this part -__-) They were different because the fireworks were synced with music and a laser show! たくさん写真をとりました(とるすぎたかもしれない=__=)。花火の前にピックニクがありました。お母さんが作ったおすしやいろいろなくだものをたべました。



Lately, I've been really busy. On Wednesday the ESS club had a welcome party. It was fun, and I made some friends there. Also, I got to play with a kendama (it's a kind of ball-and-cup game). Kendama is a little difficult, but I think it is a lot of fun.

On Thursday my sensei for Ikebana didn't come to class, so I played with friends at Nanzan. We all sang songs and danced. But before we played, we did our homework. To be honest, though, because the exchange students were doing Japanese homework and the Japanese students were doing English homework, it was kinda fun I think.

My host family wanted to throw a welcome party for me, so on Saturday some of my host family's friends come to the house. Also, I got to wear a kimono! (*^o^*) (As a matter of fact though, according to my friend Nana, because the "kimono" had pants, it wasn't a "real" kimono, but I forgot what it is actually called (=w=;)) It was lots of fun, and everyone was saying "You look so good!" and "So cool!"

Saturday evening, we went to go watch fireworks. They were very pretty and it was a lot of fun. They were similar to American fireworks, but they were a little different. They were different because the fireworks were synced with music and a laser show! I took a lot photos (maybe too many photos =____=). Before the fireworks, we had a picnic. We ate sushi my host mom made and various fruits.

Tomorrow I have a small kanji test, so I'm going to stop here for now. I have to study...

1 comment:

  1. So for those of you who are curious, the "kimono" is called 袴(はかま/Hakama)
