Thursday, February 23, 2012

久しぶりだなぁ It's been a while (pt1)



Long time no see (write, post, whatever)! I've been busy and having way too much fun, so I haven't been writing in my blog. =P

I've been doing so many fun things, so I want to write to a lot! But because of that, I may have to end up using English...

Probably the biggest news (that a lot of you already know =P) is that I have a girlfriend now! ♥ 

♥ 三村彩 Aya Mimura ♥

Unfortunately though, she'll be going home to Mieken for 2 weeks as of today so I don't get to see her again until March 6th (T_T)

My last post (if I remember correctly) was about the festival in Nagoya during fall break. Since then, I have travelled around a bit and gone to Kyoto, Kobe, Osaka, and Tokyo Disneyland. I went to Kyoto in the Fall around Thanksgiving with a big group of both Japanese and foreign exchange students.

This isn't everybody but... oh well \_(ツ)_/

We got up early on Saturday to catch a bus in the morning and then stayed until late Sunday night. The first day, we arrived around lunch time and were planning on eating right away, but because we got in a little later than expected and 2 of the girls (I don't remember the name for this but...) were dressing up in kimonos and turning into geisha, we ended up going straight to the geisha thingy place first.

Nana and Hikaru

After they got all dressed up we took pictures as they posed, and then they got cleaned up and ready to go to lunch. We couldn't really decide on a place for lunch, but eventually settled on a noodle shop where we got (delicious) udon and soba. After eating, (if I can remember right =P) we went to check into our 'hotel' (I use quotes because it didn't look like a traditional hotel; it looked more like a small apartment... but whatever) and then relaxed there while we tried to plan out what we were doing next. Later we went out (after it got dark) sightseeing and ended up wandering into a 'haunted' bamboo garden/trail/whatever, which was actually pretty fun, albeit mostly because the girls (except Aya) were pretty scared XD. Since we ate lunch fairly late, no-one was really hungry until about the time we got back to the area near the hotel, which was I think around 9 o'clock(?). We had a pretty large group and there weren't many restaurants in the first place, so we decided to buy dinner at a コンビニ (pronounced kon-bee-nee: probably one of the best inventions ever. It's a convenience store but they're about 10000 times better in Japan because you can find anything from food (both snacks and meals) to toiletries to flash sticks). We also went to a small supermarket to buy a few bottles of umeshu (which the internet translates as sake with plums; unripe Japanese apricots soaked in spirits) and a few other drinks as well as a couple sweets just because XD. Once we got back to the hotel (I should explain the hotel a bit I suppose =P we had 5 rooms; 4 small ones for 2 people each and a 'big' one for 4 people. And the hotel had one community shower/bath that 3(ish) people could use at a time), we went to the big room to eat and relax while taking turns in the shower. Hardly any of the umeshu actually got drunk but we still stayed up till about 1:30 or 2:00, which was a terrible decision seeing as how we planned on waking up the next day around 6:00 or 6:30.

Just chillin' (^o^)v

We somehow managed to get up when we planned to (mostly because Aya set an alarm and actually tried to get people moving =P) and left to go sightseeing. We stopped at another コンビニ for breakfast (and coffee (=_=)zzzZZZ) before actually heading out. Mostly we went to see temples and shrines (many of the names I have regrettably forgotten T_T) including the 金閣寺 (Kinkakuji).

Hikaru, Riho, Yuka, and Nana at the Kinkakuji

At some point, we stopped at a ramen shop for lunch, and got back to the bus station around the time it was getting dark. At the bus station we bought gifts for our (host) families and dinner (once again at a コンビニ =D) to eat on the bus ride home.

Kyoto Tower as seen from the station at night

I'm realizing now that updating this completely is going to take a reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaally long time so I'm going to go ahead and do this in parts. Also, right now I'm typing this at school between class and don't have any pictures, so I'll have to add those in later.
(edit: you may or may not have noticed that I added the photos (like a boss, I might add))

So for now, hope this is interesting despite being really old news (for me anyway) and not having much Japanese.

...ummm... till next time?

(I need a catch phrase =P)

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe but i understood all contents:)
    i may became American alien!!!hehe
    Kyoto was awesome and i was useful alarm. lol
