Wednesday, September 7, 2011


よし!書きましょう!(All right! Let's write!)



火曜日にもオリエンテーションがありました。そして、じゅぎょうをよりました。ぼくはIJ300と(日本語のじゅぎょう)生け花と書道とELEMENTARY TRANSLATIONとJAPANESE WRITING 1Fをとるつもりです。帰る時の後でお母さんとMICHAELとMICHAELのお母さんと一緒にくやくしょに行って、色々ようじがありました。そして、ソフトバンクにけいたいを買いに行きました。でも二時間ぐらいかかったから、まだおそく帰りました。




Last Thursday, I came to Japan and met my host family at the airport. Also, after I got to the house since I was jet-lagged, I relaxed. I was also jet-lagged on Friday, so I didn't do anything. On Saturday and Sunday we had a typhoon, so I didn't go out anywhere. It was a little boring, but it was nice to rest.

On Monday, I went to Nanzan University for the first time. Near my host family's house there is another Nanzan University student, so we went to school together. His name is Michael and he comes from New York. At Nanzan, we had a placement test and it was difficult. Afterwards, we ate lunch and I talked with various different people. After lunch we had orientations, had a campus tour with local Japanese students, and had a welcome party. After everything, I had a few things to take care of which caused me to come home late. And I didn't have a cell phone so my host mom was very worried (sorry!).

On Tuesday as well we had orientations. Also we chose classes. I plan on taking IJ300 (my Japanese language course), Ikebana (traditional Japanese flower arrangement), Shodo (calligraphy), elementary translation, and Japanese Writing 1F. After I returned home, I went with my host mom, Michael, and his host mom to the ward office to do some things (I would explain in Japanese but I don't really know how... we had to apply for a foreign residency card and the Japanese national health insurance). Also, we went to SoftBank to buy a phone. However this took about two hours and again I got home late.

Today, the police came to Nanzan and talked. Then we had more orientations. After lunch, we went to Nagoya Castle. About eighty students went, and about twenty of them were local Japanese students. Nagoya Castle was very big and I thought it looked nice. It was really fun, but I got really tired (and according to my host mom, I got sunburn on my face).

Also, everyday my host mom cooks tasty meals and we eat fresh fruits. I am always eating new foods. Everything is delicious, but some of it is a little different (for example, I ate a whole small fish, scales, head, and all). But I want to eat lots of new foods! It's so interesting!

until next time
bye bye☆

P.S. sorry I didn't post any photos. My camera is being a pain and not letting me put any onto my computer, so I think I need to go buy a cable to connect my camera to my computer. Hopefully I will be adding pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. ゴメスさんのブログのことを、今のNDの1年生におしえましたよ! すごくいいと思います。
