Monday, September 26, 2011


So I'm going to have a little fun here... The first year Japanese students had a blog homework assignment to write about their weekend and I thought to myself "I still need to tell people about MY weekend," so I'll do the assignment too! (>w<)/



(we took this at the photo booth(puri kura)!)




Last weekend was really busy, but lots of fun. After class on Friday, I went with friends to do karaoke. It was my first time doing karaoke and it was tons of fun! Mostly I sang English songs, but I tried singing one song in Japanese. The lyrics had lots of kanji that I didn't know, so it was kinda hard to sing. Afterwards everyone was hungry so we went to a food court to eat dinner and I ate omelette rice.

On Saturday as well I went out with friends. We met at Nishi Takakura and went to Sushi Row to eat sushi. There you order your sushi and it comes on a conveyer belt. It was a very interesting experience. When our stomaches were full, we left, went to Kami Maezu, and took pictures in a photo booth. (I have to explain a little here... there are photo booths in Japan, which they call puri kura, that let you take pictures and then write and draw on them and add backgrounds etc. etc.) It was fun, but I think girls like this kind of thing more.

Also, on Saturday as well I did karaoke and tried singing a Japanese song. Since I had sung "Boku wa Kuma" in my first year Japanese class, I was easier than the one I tried to sing on Friday. Afterwards we all went home, I ate dinner, and Skyped with my family back in America.
(You can listen to "Boku wa Kuma" here)

My host brother's son had an athletic competition on Sunday. In America there isn't really anything similar so it was a very interesting experience. It was fun, but it was a little hot and I got sunburned. The athletic competition lasted from about 10:00 till about 2:00. Then, at about 4:00 I went with my host brother and his kids to Round1 to play. At Round1 there are lots of fun things that you can do. For example, you can play billiards, tennis, and arcade games, just to name a few. We played for three hours at Round1, so we got back a little late and I got pretty tired. But it was fun so I want to go again!

My weekend sure was busy. But it was incredibly fun!

Wow another long post! (>o<) This probably wouldn't happen if I posted more often (-__-)
......oh well

1 comment:

  1. とっても楽しそう!! 次のポストを楽しみにしています。
